Magical & healing shipibo songs

The ICAROS are prayings that Shamans sing during the Ayahuasca ceremony, the shaman uses them to ask to the ayahuasca the energy that our patients need.
The shamans use different Icaros during the ceremonies, some of them for cleansing, protection, healing, happiness, wisdom, and many other energies that our beings need.
The Shipibo Shaman most of the times will start the ceremony with a protection Icaro to protect us from bad energies, it is because during the ayahuasca ceremony our patients are very sensitive and receptive then they use the cleansing Icaro song because most of the people are exposed to negativities like the use of chemical products (preservatives, pills, etc), pollution, stress, depression, social pressure, etc. After that, the Shipibo shaman will continue with the respective Icaros song according to each person’s needs.